May 2008 Update

Our update: I started a new job at G.W.U. where I work in the Law School Development Office doing fundraising and am LOVING IT!!! I work with such wonderful people and am keeping busy with heading up and leading new projects. I love the challenge!! God is truly moving in my life. Marriage has thus far been a wonderful journey, as I'm learning new things daily about what it means to be in union with my husband and God. Is it weird for me to have found 2 wonderful Christian woman who both have a twin? I think not! God is strategically placing people in my life that I can grow from. And it helps that I can talk to other twins who miss there twinser just as much as I miss mine :) Miss you Annie!!!

Bob started his internship with McCain in early March and is soaking up the intense and exciting atmosphere. It's obviously been a wonderful experience thus far working for the next HOPEFUL (Yes, Scott's/Henderson's, we are supporting McCain) President of this GREAT NATION!!! DC is definitely a city where you tend to be more proud to be an American and be filled with patriotism!Bob works in McCain's office at the Senate building and gets to see him quite often. Bob was recently able to sit in on the recent Iraq hearing while McCain & Clinton questioned General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker. He is truly enjoying this GREAT opportunity and in the mean time working his contacts :)
Throughout March, we've had quite a few friends and a family member come visit us! Our wonderful friend, Amy Franz, came to visit us first. She was such a trooper, touring our nation's capitol & monuments, in the rain. We always have a good time with Franzy and can't wait for her to visit again.

Our next visitor was my cousin Mikey! He flew into DC from Iraq and crashed on our couch for a few nights. He showed us around his old stomping grounds in Virginia and it was GORGEOUS!!! It was very nice to get out of the city for a few hours and explore suburban life.
And lastly, our great friends, Josh & Layza, came to visit us. While here, we took a 3 hour bus to New York and stayed for 1 night right in Time Square. Good times! Oh yeah, and the boys played Halo every night.. ;-) We are so blessed to have such wonderful and loving friendships! Our next round of visitors are from the Henderson Clan- 9 total !!! Dad, Mom, Monica, Derik, Austin, Tyler, Parker, Annie, & Mattox. CAN'T WAIT!!! I've already created a tentative itinerary...hehehe :-)

Spring, in DC, is OUT OF THIS WORLD!!! The spring flowers brighten up my day as I walk to and from home. The famous cherry blossoms trees came and went too quickly. DC is well-known for the 3 week "Cherry Blossom Festival" and is BREATH TAKING to see in person.
Also, our AMAZING wedding photographer's, Michele and Brian (, let us know that they are using one of our wedding pictures for their advertisement in the upcoming AZ Bridal Magazine that comes out May/June. Pretty exciting :)

All in all, life is wonderful here and we daily feel blessed for the exciting ride God is guiding us through. We continue to strive for excellence and give Him all the glory!
Until next time.....

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