Feburary 2008 Update

Being married and moving out of state has been an AMAZING blessing so far! Bob & I have only God & each other to rely on and we love that!!! Bob is working hard at GWU, being a committed student (although he doesn't enjoy most of the classes and the professor's are not all that great). But his sacrifice for our family's future is selfless and I admire him tremendously for it! Who knows where God will lead us months from now. We are sure keeping our hearts and minds open.

I have been searching for a job at GWU since moving out here. I'd like to be close to Bob while he's in school and eventually have his school paid for if I'm employed at the university. Please keep me in your prayers in regards to finding a good, solid job at GWU. In the meantime, I've been working at the apt. complex, managing the everyday details and trying to be a Betty-homemaker. So far Bob said I'm 4 for 5 on yummy dinners. Not bad for a novice :)

My favorite place to go is the farmer & organic market. I was so excited to find they were only less than a mile away. Plus, I get to walk EVERYWHERE!!! It's so much fun!!! It's my favorite thing to do; venture out in a world unknown to find neat little shops & boutique's. And the weather... YIKES...I'm not going to lie, it's VERY COLD here. But I love bundling up in my thick coats (thank you Meg) and black boots! The morning after we arrived in DC, we woke up to it snowing! What a gorgeous sight. We would never have seen that in AZ. I love the different change in weather and the city life. The architecture here is BREATH-TAKING! It almost looks fake from a distance. We live 4 blocks east of the U.S. Capitol and .8 miles from Union Station (which is the main station with buses, subway, and trains). Thank goodness for GPS & google map bc I'd be lost without it. Bob & I will be attending his school's winter ball this Saturday. I'm excited to meet his classmates and enjoy a night on the town with him!

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