September & October 2008

So I've been horrible at posting, but life has been busy these past 2 months. I can't believe how quickly September and October have come and gone!

I've had quite a few work events to run and attend and Bob's been working hard both at McCain's campaign and with school. We keep inching towards his graduation day (May '09). It's not soon enough. Don't get me wrong, we feel very blessed and are learning to be thankful and joyful in this time, as it is preparing us for our future. God is so gracious and we are excited to see His plan in all of this.

Hehehe, So I've established a new friendship with the neighborhood elder, Willy! Every morning on my walk to work, Willy (in his mid 70's) is on his porch working on the local newspaper's crossword puzzle and always greets me with a "Hello Katie" as I pass by. I return the greeting with a big smile on my face, as it always brightens my morning. He's my new pal and it's nice to know I get to see him every week day on my way to work.

Bob and I are starting a newly married couples Bible study this week. I am excited to meet and be in fellowship with other newly married Christians. There are about 5 couples total and I'm excited for the wonderful experience and growth. I've also been plugged into a one on one Bible study with my new friend Kelli :0) I have been in awe of the overwhelming love and grace that God has for me, despite my sins!! I feel truly blessed to have such a wonderful church that is deep in the word and in fellowship. I have been truly humbled by His grace and mercy in my life, although I am not deserving of any of it.

Life is AMAZING!!! Despite the every day stresses, Bob and I couldn't be more HAPPY in DC! What's not to love about our nation's capitol? Especially at this time, when the fall leaves are turning yellow and red and the weather is starting to cool down (mid 60's). My thin AZ skin is definitely in shock!! My co-workers often make fun of my sauna office. I admit, it's pretty toasty in my office, and that's the way I like it :-)

Bob and I will be traveling back to AZ for 9 days during Christmas/New Years. Can you believe it will be almost a year since being back in AZ? Better yet, almost 1 year of marriage!! My, how time flies by!

August 2008

August has been quite a sticky month! Although the weather was considered, "unusually cool," I still felt the affects of the humidity, especially walking to work. I learned quickly to pull back my hair (yes, the humidity does HORRIBLE things to your hair) and not to bother spending any real time getting pretty. The minute you walk out the door into the outside world, you start glistening (girls don't sweat). I have no reason to complain though..... Poor Bob had to walk to and from work with a full suite on!!! Yep, a long sleeve shirt, jacket, pants, & tie... The whole bit! Thankfully, it was only about a week out of the month where it was unbearable.

August was quite a laid back month for Bob and I. After a long week at work for the both of us, our favorite thing to do was to sleep in and be couch potatoes all weekend long. Our Friday "date night" consisted of Chipotle and a movie, which we definitely looked forward to together!

At the end of August, the whole Charles family vacationed in San Diego for a full week. It was the first time we had all been together since the wedding, 7 months ago. IT WAS THE BEST VACATION filled with relaxation, body surfing in the ocean, naps, food, playing with nieces & nephews, etc.... Life was PERFECT for a week :) An escape from work for awhile was just what was needed! It's always hard to come back after such a nice time with family! Until next year........

Not much else in the month of August. Wow, the next time we'll be back on that side of the country (southwest) will be for Christmas.... Can't wait!!!

July 2008 Update

This month's update will be short and sweet! Life hasn't changed much since last month. Bob has been interning with the McCain campaign since the first of July (he was interning for the senate side of McCain the past couple months). He is doing very well there and has already received a promotion. His task at hand is to find "celebrities and/or athletes" that would like to speak at the RNC (Republican National Convention) in September. Thank goodness he was just working in CA with UTA (United Talent Agency) where he has quite a few good contacts.

Bob and I are in the process of becoming members of the church we attend, Capitol Hill Baptist Church. We have been VERY blessed in this church already and are excited to see what God has in store for our lives through Him and His church. It is a very mature, supporting, encouraging church that fits Bob and I. I just know that my spiritual life will grow abundantly and I will have the fruitfulness that I've longed for for so long. It's just amazing God's grace and sacrifice. It overwhelms me at times to think of how much I am truly loved!

Please keep us in your prayers as we continue this journey and open our hearts and minds to the world around us.

June 2008 Update

Can you believe this July, it will already be 1/2 a year of marriage for Bob and I? My, how time flies!!!
This past month has been a rough one, as Bob has been in California, working as an intern for one of the top talent agencies in Beverly Hills. He's been working 12 hrs/day, 5 days/week. He's ALWAYS been such a dedicated and hard worker. I admire that about him. During his internship, he's been able to meet the agent for Harrison Ford and had to deliver a package to Jamie-Lynn Sigler (the actress "Meadow" on the hit series, The Sopranos). He was so excited, as he LOVED that show! When he returns to DC, he has an AWESOME opportunity to work on the McCain campaign. He's had a few different offers. Please pray for God guidance on which offer to take.

While Bob has been away, my whole family came to DC to visit me. SO MUCH FUN!!! Oh, how I MISSED EVERYONE (10 total family members visited) and I can't believe how fast my 4 nephews have grown up!!! Such precious boys!! And one more baby boy on the way!!
I don't think my family was expecting to do so much walking. The first full day they were here, we did the tourist stuff- walked the National Mall (5 miles round trip); checking out the National Monuments (U.S. Capitol, Washington Monument, War Memorials, Lincoln Memorial). My poor dad had a horrible blister on his toe by the end of the day. But the kiddos did GREAT, probably because they were pushed in strollers the whole time, LUCKY!!! I think the fam is use to hopping in their cars to get to places. NOT HERE IN DC!!! You want to go somewhere, you walk or walk to the metro. They'd ask "how much further?" and I'd say "just a few more blocks." Well a "few blocks" is more like a mile. I guess I'm just use to walking everywhere.
While here, we were able to take a day trip to New York. Definitely different than DC. We all loved the big lights and busy life. I'm so glad to live in DC though. The life here is so much more relaxed and CLEAN!! NY, not so much!

It was DEFINITELY HARD to say goodbye to the family. I love my family so dearly and was thankful they were all able to come see my life for a few days.
Next to come visit.... my wonderful mother-in-law, Pam... YEA :) She'll be here July 1-8. And my hubby finally comes home to me July 2nd!!!!!! SO EXCITED!!!! We all get to celebrate the 4th of July together and are taking a dinner cruise on the Potomac River while Pam's here. It'll be lots of fun!!

This summer seems to be full of vacations!! With my family here, then Pam, and a Charles vacation in San Diego in August. Hey, I can't complain! Who doesn't love vacations????
It just means I have to work EXTRA hard at work (don't worry, I'm allowed all this time off).

Work is going well! I have received a promotion and now am an Associate Director of Law School Development. What does that mean? I work with Law School Alumni and try to get them to donate their big bucks to the law school. Luckily, I work at the top 20 law school's, where most of the alumni are very successful and love donating to a school that has given them such great opportunities. It's A LOT of work, but I love the challenge! I'm working on 5 big projects now and am constantly on the go! I love the busy work!!!

May 2008 Update

Our update: I started a new job at G.W.U. where I work in the Law School Development Office doing fundraising and am LOVING IT!!! I work with such wonderful people and am keeping busy with heading up and leading new projects. I love the challenge!! God is truly moving in my life. Marriage has thus far been a wonderful journey, as I'm learning new things daily about what it means to be in union with my husband and God. Is it weird for me to have found 2 wonderful Christian woman who both have a twin? I think not! God is strategically placing people in my life that I can grow from. And it helps that I can talk to other twins who miss there twinser just as much as I miss mine :) Miss you Annie!!!

Bob started his internship with McCain in early March and is soaking up the intense and exciting atmosphere. It's obviously been a wonderful experience thus far working for the next HOPEFUL (Yes, Scott's/Henderson's, we are supporting McCain) President of this GREAT NATION!!! DC is definitely a city where you tend to be more proud to be an American and be filled with patriotism!Bob works in McCain's office at the Senate building and gets to see him quite often. Bob was recently able to sit in on the recent Iraq hearing while McCain & Clinton questioned General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker. He is truly enjoying this GREAT opportunity and in the mean time working his contacts :)
Throughout March, we've had quite a few friends and a family member come visit us! Our wonderful friend, Amy Franz, came to visit us first. She was such a trooper, touring our nation's capitol & monuments, in the rain. We always have a good time with Franzy and can't wait for her to visit again.

Our next visitor was my cousin Mikey! He flew into DC from Iraq and crashed on our couch for a few nights. He showed us around his old stomping grounds in Virginia and it was GORGEOUS!!! It was very nice to get out of the city for a few hours and explore suburban life.
And lastly, our great friends, Josh & Layza, came to visit us. While here, we took a 3 hour bus to New York and stayed for 1 night right in Time Square. Good times! Oh yeah, and the boys played Halo every night.. ;-) We are so blessed to have such wonderful and loving friendships! Our next round of visitors are from the Henderson Clan- 9 total !!! Dad, Mom, Monica, Derik, Austin, Tyler, Parker, Annie, & Mattox. CAN'T WAIT!!! I've already created a tentative itinerary...hehehe :-)

Spring, in DC, is OUT OF THIS WORLD!!! The spring flowers brighten up my day as I walk to and from home. The famous cherry blossoms trees came and went too quickly. DC is well-known for the 3 week "Cherry Blossom Festival" and is BREATH TAKING to see in person.
Also, our AMAZING wedding photographer's, Michele and Brian (, let us know that they are using one of our wedding pictures for their advertisement in the upcoming AZ Bridal Magazine that comes out May/June. Pretty exciting :)

All in all, life is wonderful here and we daily feel blessed for the exciting ride God is guiding us through. We continue to strive for excellence and give Him all the glory!
Until next time.....

April 2008 Update

It's officially been 3 months of marriage and WOW, how time has flown by!!!! Here is our update....
The Charles Chronicle:
March 5: I started her new job at G.W.U. where I work in theLaw Development Office doing fundraising and am LOVING IT!!! I work with such great people and am enjoying being very busy. Right now, my projects entail:
*law school alumni relations
*planning reunion weekend
*financial giving to the law school
*traveling to New York for reception meetings with potential alumni donors.

Bob started his internship with McCain and really enjoys the politics of it all. He is right down the hall from McCain's office in the senate building. He accidentally ran into McCain while in the hall (yes, literally bumped into him) and McCain just gave him a smile and a head nod. Bob was on cloud 9! Bob was recently able to sit in on the recent Iraqhearing while McCain, Clinton, & Obama questioned General Petraeus andAmbassador Crocker. He's enjoying the GREAT experience and in themean time working his contacts :)March 7-10: Our wonderful friend, Amy Franz, came to visit us. Shewas a trooper, touring our nation's capitol & monuments in the rain.We always love spending time with her and can't wait for her to visitagain.March 12-14: Katie's cousin, Mike, flew into DC from Iraq where hecrashed on the couch for a few nights. He showed us around his oldstomping grounds (lived in VA as a kid). It was very nice to get outof the city for a few hours and explore the suburbian life.March 19-23: Our great friends, Josh & Layza, came to visit us.While here, we took a 3 hour bus to NYC and stayed for 1 night rightin Time Square. Good times! Oh yeah, and the boys played Halo everynight..;-) We are so blessed to have such wonderful, lovingfriendships!With all our visitors, our 2nd month as husband and wife quickly cameand went!This weekend, we will be attending the Cherry Blossom Festival.Attached is a picture of what is SO FAMOUS during the springtime inD.C. SO GORGEOUS!!!!Also, our AMAZING wedding photographer's, Michele and Brian(, let us know that they are using one of ourwedding pictures (attached to this email) for their advertisement inthe AZ Bridal Magazine that comes out May/June. Pretty exciting :-)All in all, life is wonderful here and we daily feel blessed for theexciting ride God has put us on. We continue to strive for excellenceand give Him all the glory!Until next month.....All our love,Bob & Katie Charles

March 2008 Update

Bob has just finished his last round of midterms and is relieved to have it over with. He worked really hard thus far and his grades show :) It's hard to imagine how he does it:

- full time school & group work
- apt. managing 25 tenants
- McCain internship 2-3 days per week.... Yes, he just started today!

All that and still he has time to blog about his favorite show ever, LOST! ;-) He is a VERY determined man and is loved for all of his strengths.

As for me, I just recently took a full time job offer working at the university (GWU) where Bob goes to school. I will be an executive aide to the associate vice president in fundraising for the law school. I am looking forward to it, as the people there are WONDERFUL and a great opportunity to advance quickly!!! I start tomorrow :)

It's been such a blessing bc my job will pay 47% of Bob's school tuition (bc his spouse is an employee of the school) and he and I will be able to see each other much more often than we do now (since he and I will be on campus grounds at least 9 hours/day).

I also have the opportunity to go back to school and have 99% of school paid for. Wonderful opportunities are brewing here for us in D.C. and we have great faith that more will open up in time.

We've met and hung out with quite a few great people while here. There seems to be a lot of newlyweds in Bob's class so it's been fun getting to know new couples and just spending quality time as husband and wife.

We are SO EXCITED about this month, as it is quite a full month for us. We have friends & family flying in every weekend to visit us for a few days and see the DC life. It'll be SO GREAT to see familiar faces and show them around the city! Can't wait Franzy and Cassidy's :)

Well, that sums it up... Just starting to get into the groove of things here and enjoying the different lifestyle and change.

Feburary 2008 Update

Being married and moving out of state has been an AMAZING blessing so far! Bob & I have only God & each other to rely on and we love that!!! Bob is working hard at GWU, being a committed student (although he doesn't enjoy most of the classes and the professor's are not all that great). But his sacrifice for our family's future is selfless and I admire him tremendously for it! Who knows where God will lead us months from now. We are sure keeping our hearts and minds open.

I have been searching for a job at GWU since moving out here. I'd like to be close to Bob while he's in school and eventually have his school paid for if I'm employed at the university. Please keep me in your prayers in regards to finding a good, solid job at GWU. In the meantime, I've been working at the apt. complex, managing the everyday details and trying to be a Betty-homemaker. So far Bob said I'm 4 for 5 on yummy dinners. Not bad for a novice :)

My favorite place to go is the farmer & organic market. I was so excited to find they were only less than a mile away. Plus, I get to walk EVERYWHERE!!! It's so much fun!!! It's my favorite thing to do; venture out in a world unknown to find neat little shops & boutique's. And the weather... YIKES...I'm not going to lie, it's VERY COLD here. But I love bundling up in my thick coats (thank you Meg) and black boots! The morning after we arrived in DC, we woke up to it snowing! What a gorgeous sight. We would never have seen that in AZ. I love the different change in weather and the city life. The architecture here is BREATH-TAKING! It almost looks fake from a distance. We live 4 blocks east of the U.S. Capitol and .8 miles from Union Station (which is the main station with buses, subway, and trains). Thank goodness for GPS & google map bc I'd be lost without it. Bob & I will be attending his school's winter ball this Saturday. I'm excited to meet his classmates and enjoy a night on the town with him!